Nowhere do colours shine
with such different, clear tones as on the Amalfi Coast, which
has always attracted visitors of the greatest prestige.
Set like an incomparable gem in a precious diadem, the villages scattered
along the coast bewitch every visitors, even the most astute.
Here everything becomes symbolic: the earth rich in citrus groves,
the sea with the most incredible shades of blue and green, the enchanting
beaches, the little islands the clumps of white pink and yellow cottages
gathered round the tiny harbours.
Its charm lies not only in places themselves but also in their history
that has left important traces in art: here you can find some of
the finest churches villas and monasteries.
All this, together with hotel facilities of the highest level and
a cuisine that features simple but intense flavours offers tourists
an unforgettable holiday accompanied by the traditional art of hospitality.
The excursions are :
- - about 4 hours
- – about 8 hours
-or on request on hourly basis
half – day or full – day combined with another locality,
of your choice.